Payment to be made in advance Cash/Cheque/online in favour of M/s Creative Print Arts Payment will not be given back. After checking the proof we are not liable for mistakes in the material. Payment Due Date Interest @ 15% per month will be charged if the bill is not paid on the Due Date. All disputes are subject to Delhi Jurisdiction.
Cost Variation
Quotations are valid for One Month. Thereafter, they will be subject to revision and confirmation. ONLY, written quotations will be accepted and are still subject to sight of original material supplied. Verbal quotations are a mere guide and may not be accurate.
Value Added Tax
Creative Print Arts shall be entitled to charge the amount of any GST tax payable whether or not included in the quotation or invoice.
Preliminary Work
Work carried out, whether experimentally or otherwise, at the customer’s request will be charged for.
Author’s corrections, including alterations in style, and the cost of additional proofs necessitated by such corrections will be charged extra. Proofs may be submitted for the customer’s approval, and in that event, no responsibility will be accepted for any errors in them not corrected by him on a signed proof.
Until payment in full of Creative Print Arts, the goods shall remain the property of Creative Print Arts but the risk therein, and all liability to third parties in respect thereof shall pass to the buyer on delivery.
Placement of An Order
If taken as implicit acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, no other Terms and Conditions may be taken to apply to transactions with Creative Print Arts unless explicitly agreed to in writing. Legal Costs Creative Print Arts reserves the right to charge any legal and other costs incurred in placing any outstanding accounts into the hands of our Attorney’s or Debt Collection Agencies.
Dishonoured Cheques
Bank charges incurred by Creative Print Arts when cheques issued in payment are dishonoured due to lack of funds and any other reason will be charged on to the issuer with an administration charge of Rs.1000/-.
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